Institutional Services

No matter the size of your institution, the range of beverage options you desire or your budget allocation, we have a solution that fits your requirements. From offices to colleges to restaurants to railway stations, we have machines in every type of institution.

Our vending machines are available on a rental or a purchase basis. For both options, we provide on-site supply of all the high-quality ingredients required by the machine to produce your beverage of choice.

Rental Option

We offer flexible machine contracts available on rent. This service includes regular preventative maintanence of the machine as well as replacement of spare parts in the event of breakdown.

Purchase Option

Machines available on purchase basis can be bought with an annual maintenance contract. The annual maintenance contract includes preventative maintenance and the option to include replacement of spare parts as well.

No matter which option you chose for your machine, we assure you quality of service and on-site support within one business day!